title research

TitleWise is a title abstraction software developed by industry veterans. From typed reports with quick turnarounds to smart legal descriptions, custom language according to your underwriter’s requirements and easy updates, TitleWise is ready to serve your needs.

TitleWise uses an innovative approach to digitize the manual abstraction process while still maintaining ahuman element to provide greater consistency in reporting and quality control.


With robust features and a dedicated team, TitleWise is the software you need to modernize and simplify your research process.

Digital worksheets, reports, and databases replace paper records, handwritten notes, and antiquated systems. TitleWise is fully customizable for any project, county, state, or country.


Digital worksheets, reports, and databases replace paper records, handwritten notes, and antiquated systems. TitleWise is fully customizable for any project, county, state, or country.

The TitleWise app was designed to compliment any existing real estate settlement software, not replace it.

Lack of Digitization in the Real Estate Title Industry

Antiquated, time-consuming title research practices, namely hand-written notes or ditto sheets, that prompt further processing: entering the pertinent research information into a computer program by either the title examiner or an in-office processor, to include typing a legal description. This adds time to the examination process and the potential for errors and omissions.

TitleWise is a digital platform for real estate title research.

  • Easily create multiple chains of title. Input land title records directly into the TitleWise app. Reduce rekeying, redundancy, and processing costs.

  • Produce 3x report volume.

  • Instantly add or omit information in a working or saved title report or chain of title as circumstances dictate. Upload and make part of your title report copies of pertinent recorded documents.

title wise logo
  • Extract legal descriptions from recorded documents using TitleWise to make part of your title report. Generate a new title report from any existing saved title report in your TitleWise database at any time to update, recertify, or present a title report for a different client on real estate you’ve already examined.

  • Technical innovation in real estate abounds – except title research.

  • Created by industry veterans, TitleWise focuses on front-end processes that streamline the entire real estate transaction process.

  • No need to replace your current project management tools. TitleWise syncs with

Easily create multiple chains of title. Input land title records directly into the TitleWise app. Reduce rekeying, redundancy, and processing costs.

Produce 3x report volume.

Instantly add or omit information in a working or saved title report or chain of title as circumstances dictate. Upload and make part of your title report copies of pertinent recorded documents.

Extract legal descriptions from recorded documents using TitleWise to make part of your title report. Generate a new title report from any existing saved title report in your TitleWise database at any time to update, recertify, or present a title report for a different client on real estate you’ve already examined.

Technical innovation in real estate abounds – except title research.

Created by industry veterans, TitleWise focuses on front-end processes that streamline the entire real estate transaction process.

No need to replace your current project management tools.